
What Makes a Good Infographic

If you’re not good with words, infographics could be right up your street. Creating an infographic allows the creative juices to flow as you bring your vision to life. Doing research on how to create an infographic will be useful, as you’ll be presented with a list of programmes that enable you to create your content free of charge.

Once you have located the best programme for you, your step by step process can begin. Before you dive right into the creative side, have a think about where you might like your design to be shown. Which platforms would benefit from your detailed infographic and where would it perform the best? Make a list of the social media platforms you have selected, so you can share your creations later.

Stage 2, what is your topic?

Again, research might offer a helping hand when it comes to choosing your topic. You might have an idea in mind, but it’s good to see how others have laid their information out and the design route they have taken. Whilst I don’t expect you to copy the format, viewing others work provides some inspiration and ideas of where to start.

Before opening the design programme, I would advise to make a note of the infographic flow and the areas you would like to cover. This will provide direction when you begin the design, rather than leave you struggling starring at a plain white document.

Now comes the fun bit – you can finally start to have a play around with your design until it beings to look as perfect as you had hoped. You might find it’ll take a while to get to grips with positioning and the images you choose to use. But that’s the beauty of planning online, you have the freedom to switch it around until you’re happy.

Whilst making an infographic can be fun, the main objective is for the information to be interesting. With interest comes more views, likes and the potential to go viral. There are some points to remember in order to create a masterpiece: –

1)      Keep the text informative and to the point

What we’re trying to say is, don’t drag your information on just to get a higher word count. The idea of an infographic is to provide snippets of information that can help people learn about the chosen topic without it feeling like they are reading a full novel.

 2)      Add your sources

If you have had to do some research to enhance your details and make the final product more in depth, that’s fine. All you must do is add the sources/websites of where you took the information from. It’s better for the content to be relevant and factual, than inaccurate and exaggerated.

 3)      Check before publishing

When you are happy with your infographic, you will need to download the file to your computer before you go ahead on share to your popular social media sites. To eliminate making any mistakes, check through all your text for spelling mistakes and punctuation.

For your design to make an impact, it needs to be right.

 4)      Add corresponding images

To give your words some context, adding images to go with your infographic will make all the difference. It doesn’t have to be a real image, it can be a cartoon, something colourful or abstract. Match your images to the text allowing you to paint a picture in the readers mind and of course, it’ll look inviting too.

 5)      Keep the flow

Before you started the design, hopefully you created a flow diagram to show what information you will use and how it all links together. It’s important to keep on track with interesting points and create a natural flow between each point.

It’ll be easier and more enjoyable to read, and fingers crossed you’ll get those all important shares on social media.